Dust and Data – The Art of Curating in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Project Report as Poster Book

Our project produced a series of posters representing and explaining the diverse approaches and prototypes. These posters have been assembled, printed and manually bound in a limited edition. A PDF-version has been made available to the general public:

Flexer A., Koerdt I., Martos A., Utech S., Wahl N.: Dust and Data – Artificial Intelligence im Museum, https://archive.org/details/dad-ai-im-museum, 2022.

Project Exhibition at Volkskundemuseum Wien

Photo by Christoph Panzer

The exhibition „Dust and Data. Artificial Intelligence im Museum“ gave an overview of all our main results. It was hosted by the Volkskundemuseum Wien (9.6.2021 – 29.8.2021) and a photo story about the opening night gives a general impression.

An Artistic Research Project on Curating Digital / Digitized Collections in Analogue Spaces.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are both, a challenge and a chance for today’s museums and their growing digital collections. „Dust and Data – The Art of Curating in the Age of Artificial Intelligence” (DAD) as a 2-years artistic research project strives to explore the curatorial potential of artificial intelligence within a set of co-operations with several museum institutions. DAD is located at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna and the Institute of Computational Perception, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz. During the first nine month, DAD was also located at the Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (OFAI). DAD is funded by the FWF PEEK-program.

André Malraux: “And where is the ashtray?” Source: Maurice Jarnoux/Paris Match via Getty Images



Aims, goals and methods of the project.


A series of interlooping “spaces“ using “workshopping“ as a method

Case Studies

Museums and collections we are working with.


An interdisciplinary team consisting of curators, ai-experts and architects

”If curating is all about rule-breaking, how can an algorithm be creative?”

–Niko Wahl